Practice Areas

DUFOUR Advokatur AG

Just plain talk.


Our business lawyers assist companies in general legal questions, incorporation and founding, M&A, succession planning, employment issues, IP, IT, contracts, grants and permits and conflicts. [more]


Trust our lawyers with your legal questions relating to your private circumstances, work, social security, pensions, family and marital law, conflicts, inheritance. [more]


Basel has the highest number of foundations in Switzerland and DUFOUR lawyers have the most expertise in creating foundations, associations, NPOs and in obtaining tax exemptions for charitable intuitions. [more]


Benefit from our expertise in pension and social security law. We represent pension funds, collective insurances, welfare funds, employers and individuals and advise on old age, invaldity and accident laws. [more]

Montage mit Fotos unseres Teams in schwarz-weiss

This team of experienced lawyers will support you competently in all legal matters – from providing sound advice to resolving disputes. [more]


Swiss Fondation Day 2024 in Zurich

12. November 2024

DUFOUR was the main sponsor of this year’s Swiss Foundation Day at the hotel Marriott in Zurich.

Information about the event


We bid farewell to Vreni Jegge, who is taking her well-deserved retirement after 23 years at Dufour as assistant and head of the proFonds secretariat. We would like to thank her warmly for her commitment and valued co-operation.

DUFOUR is once again a sponsor of the Swiss Foundation Day 2024

For years, we have been committed to networking and professionalising the Swiss foundation and charity sector, this time once again as a sponsor of the industry meeting for charities.

The conference will take place on Tuesday, 12 November 2024, at the Hotel Marriott in Zurich and is organised by proFonds, the umbrella organisation for charitable foundations in Switzerland.

Swiss Fondation Day 2023 in Basel

8 November 2023

DUFOUR was the main sponsor of this year’s Swiss Foundation Day at the Basel Theatre.

Information about the event